Writer Education
Can we have an honest conversation about publishing? Because let's face it—this journey can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. (Trust me, as an engineer who decided to write steamy sci-fi, I know all about jumping into the deep end!)
Here's the thing: I was exactly where you are now—dreaming about publishing but feeling overwhelmed? Check. Wondering if there's room for another voice in sci-fi? Double check. Trying to figure out how to write while keeping your day job? Triple-check with a side of caffeine!
That's why I started interviewing other authors. I wanted to create the resource I wished I'd had—no sugar coating, just real talk about what it takes to make it happen.
January Events coming soon!

Past Events
Writer's Mindset

Story Planning

Four Week Story Prep Workbook - Kimberly Grymes

Writing Spicy Romance - C. Rodriguez



My Favorite Writer Tools
A writer is only as good as their tools, or something like that? Scribeforge's Essential Worldbuilding Blueprint and Workbook helped me build my whole planet - Sequ - for my debut novel Love and Other Alien Concepts. Its so easy to use but also incredibly thorough. Of course, I created a massive spreadsheet so I could plan out the two contrasting islands at the same time. I'll also be using it for my secret, upcoming sci-fi trilogy that I plan to rapid fire release in 2026!

Right now I'm using their Essential Character Creation Blueprint and Workbook to improve my main characters of the Witchy Murder Mystery Romantasy I started plotting that I'm calling Project TDDUP.
Interested in checking out their goods? Use my link for a complimentary 15% off!
I'm also plotting out my story using author Kimberly Grymes Four Week Story Prep Workbook. I have both the spiral version and the e-version and it is life changing.
Each week takes you down a progressive path where you add in more and more detail and uses a method similar to saves the cat, but simplified and with plenty of explanation.